Sunday, July 29, 2007

U of M Auction to Benefit the Pat Maloy Cancer Scholarship

I recently received an e-mail from the Noel Cimmino, the Co-Chair of the Bernard Maloy Scholarship at the University of Michigan. The University of Michigan will be hosting an online auction of Michigan Memorabilia to help fund the Scholarship.

The Scholarship is in honor of a professor at Michigan who passed away in 2001 of esophageal cancer. Once its funded it will be awarded to Michigan undergrads who either have cancer themselves or who have direct family members who have or are battling cancer.

To fund the Scholarship they are holding an online 'ebay style' auction of sports memorabilia just after Homecoming this October. About 2/3 of the items (currently about 190 items) are posted on their website,which can be found at

Items to be auctioned include a ton of UofM football items by everyone from just about every major player to play at Michigan in the last few years and if they're not up there already, its probably on the way since over 100 former players have greed to contribute.

Mr. Cimmino is co-chairing the Scholarship committee along with Pat Maloy's widow,Nora, and 12 vice-chairs, including Tyrone Wheatley.

I strongly urge my readers, especially you Michigan fans out there, to take a look at the auction's website and consider making a bid for a great cause!

By the way, I'll be back from my summer break in mid-August with lots of interesting updates , including an early look at some of the top rising juniors, sophomores and freshmen along with my Class of 2008 All-Name and Bloodlines teams.
